NMSU actors and Southwest Theater Company captured the attention of the crowd with their performance of ‘Dracula: A Comedy of Terrors’. The play was performed from Sept. 27 to Oct. 6 at the ASNMSU center for the arts. Gordon Greenberg and Steve Rosen created the play. Nichole Hamilton, Associate Professor at NMSU, directed it.
Greenberg mentioned in a podcast interview with The Present Stage: Conversations with Theater Writers that they choose to adapt the gothic novel of Dracula because it’s easy to poke fun of the source material that takes itself seriously. They aimed to answer the serious questions of gender, life, and questions that have plagued humans since the beginning of time.
The play also aims to make the audience think about the acceptance of different genders and sexualities. It asks, ‘Are we more accepting now that everything has a label? Or has a society started to resent it, along with political correctness, separating us even more.’
The play is new, having first appeared on Broadway in January of this year. The play consists of a small cast of actors who interpret multiple roles throughout the play, except for Mario Montiel who only plays Dracula. The use of cheap special effects and comedic gags adds to the comedy of the play, while also making it budget friendly for those who perform it.

When Jonathan Harker, a real estate broker, arrives at the house of his latest client in Pennsylvania, he sells 5 properties to Dracula in London. After arriving back in London, he reunites with the count at his fiancés house. When Lucy`s sister, Mina, falls ill they call for Dr. Van Helsing to come and check her out, after investigating the symptoms and a boat manifest, they come to the conclusion that there is a vampire in London, and they must now kill it to try and save Mina.
Carlos Huereca plays Johnathan Harker, a shy, germophobic, and cowardly real estate broker. He makes a great distinction between his character when he is normal and when he gets corrupted: bringing in references to famous Casanova Austin Powers and his catchphrase, “yea baby!”
Okalani Ventura portrayed Jonathan’s fiancé, Lucy Westfeldt, an adventurous woman who likes to read. As her relationship with Jonathan starts to get bumpy, the count tries to seduce her into running away with him. However, Lucy isn’t sure if she can ever forgive the count for what he did to her sister. Ventura also played Kitty, a grumpy old maid who works for Dracula who is another mental patient that works for Dr. Westfeldt.

Eliza Philips wonderfully portrayed her characters Renfield and Dr. Westfeldt. Renfield is a mental patient with the mind of an energetic twelve-year-old who likes to eat bugs. Westfeldt is the father of two daughters and the head of the mental institution who lets mental patients work for him. His character is similar to Jane’s father from Tarzan: a short quirky man who has a lot of money.
Vance cook interpreted two strong female leads, one of which was Mina Westfeldt, Lucy’s more perceptive older sister who has the personality of the ugly stepsister from Shrek. His second role, Dr. Van Helsing was a strong and brilliant woman from Germany.
Mario Montiel portrayed the iconic vampire, Dracula, dressed in lace along with leather pants, platform boots, and lipstick. He brought a lot of energy to the character, leaving a strong first impression as the audience sees him trying to seduce John. When he is shown a picture of Lucy, he can’t help but develop feelings for her.
The wacky and chaotic play brought the audience to tears of laughter. The play was very entertaining from its humor, references, and dramatic moments.