So, What’s the Issue?

The Round Up, Staff Writer

The Round Up recently went around campus and asked readers what issues they belive are most prominent today. These could be from a University, National, or even Personal Standpoint, ranging from any kind of issues they feel are important. Here are some of the best responses TRU received:

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“I feel that on campus right now that the whole political thing (immigrant) a lot of students feel unsafe. I personally don’t feel that way but I think it is causing a lot of people stress and it doesn’t allow them to focus on their academics. Based on that and based on people I’ve been talking to and my friends I feel kind of that pressure to perform better in school because they don’t have the same privileges they do. They’re scared of going out and looking for jobs and internships just because if their not from here they aren’t being treated as equally as they should be.”

Screen Shot 2017-03-06 at 2.28.13 PM“I don’t have problem with immigrants being here. That’s what we’re founded on, but I just think we should do it properly. I just think we should work on immigration to make it right. I don’t think anyone should be here illegally. If you go to other countries and you’re there illegally, you can go to prison for a long time, but we’re not like that.They [illegal immigrants] come here because there’s work. If we don’t want them here illegally, then why aren’t we going after their employers instead of trying to round up everybody and send them back.”

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“Just the overall idea going on in social media and news outlets that there’s no trust. Last week there was the Pewdiepie scandal, how one media source misrepresented him according to some of his videos and that just cause a massive backlash from other performers and video makers that big news media doesn’t do their research and doesn’t trust the people that their representing and that there’s not respect toward those people.”

Screen Shot 2017-03-06 at 2.28.30 PM“There’s not enough trust in this country. Whether its in politics, whether it’s in school… How can we trust politicians who take money from back door lobbyists, or trust our own president who himself has several rap allegations against him that pending some that have been settled out of court.”

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