Students learn to use time effectively to succeed in college setting
More stories from Gianni Villegas
Students studying on the second floor of Corbett.
Students at any age attending college is a huge step in their lives. It not only tests one’s time management skills but can also be an emotional, mental, and physical battle throughout the course of each semester.
There are endless ways to be a successful college student.
Adrian Llañez is a senior studying Kinesiology with an emphasis on Exercise Science. He will be graduating in May with the intent of attending physical therapy school. He currently works for ASNMSU as the Director of Community Outreach and is now interning at Mountain View Regional Medical Center to complete his degree.
Llañez says college is what you make of it.
“You can be quiet, get your work done, and get a degree or you can interact, have an experience, and leave a legacy,” Llañez said. You choose. In my experience, the best skills to strive for include being driven, have time management, and communication skills. There are so many ways to develop these skills.”
Failure will occur during college. Llañez give words of wisdom to students that are struggling with assignments or a certain class.
“Vince Lombardi was righteous when he said, “It’s not whether you get knocked down, it’s whether you get up.” Learn from your mistakes. Go to the writing center, visit your professor, and figure out what went wrong so that it doesn’t happen again! Believe in yourself because it starts with you.”
Accomplishments (small or large) is something to celebrate, and Llañez reminds students to take the time and reward yourself.
“The thing with college is that it never, truly gets easier. You must continue to grow. Just because you got an A on your midterm does not mean it’s time to party into the New Year; it means you got through the trial and it’s time to prepare for the next one.
“Of course, there is nothing wrong with treating yourself either. You got an A? Buy yourself that shirt you saw at the mall! Passed a quiz? Go grab lunch with friends. You have earned the right to be proud. Don’t boast, be humble.”
With his experience working at ASNMSU, Llañez recommends students to visit the Student Success Center. Llañez pleads to students to be strong.
“Don’t let anyone criticize you for what works best for you. You have to be confident in all that you do, and don’t be afraid to ask for help. After all, you are paying for this experience, make the most of it.”
Janita Randolph is a graduate assistant at the Student Success Center. She is majoring in Family Consumer Science with an emphasis in marriage and family therapy.
The Student Success Center is a centralized academic support center for students. They serve the students in any way possible with their learning skills, counseling, motivation, resources, and countless programs.
Randolph says that some students need help to transition into the college role.
“We can definitely work on that motivational role and figure out that students (why) as they enter and begin school,” Randolph said. “We help students with stress, test anxiety, and even improve their learning skills such as taking better notes and figure out their learning style.”
Randolph says the Student Success Center has a plethora of resources for students to better themselves in college.
“Within each college they have their own tutoring center so the Student Success Center isn’t specifically for tutoring. It is for students to own up to what they need improvement on and then we can go from there.”
The College of Education, Engineering, Business and so forth have specific state tests to pass and certification requirements.
The Student Success Center can help students with these required test. Randolph says, “Certain tests for each college such as the MCAT, LSAT, GMAT, NES basic skills test, and GRE three area course is something a student has to take for their degree and we have workshops and programs where the student can sit down with one of us and we can go over it with them.”
Randolph express the eagerness that the Student Success Center has to offers.
“Students come in for academic workshops. It reinforces learning skills and to also help students that have holds. We give grad-school advice and guide students in the proper direction. Even if students don’t know where certain buildings are or can’t find a class, we will take the time to show students and even walk with them to their destination.”
If students are still struggling with organizational skills, learning skills, and need academic support, Randolph encourages students to take the UNIV 150 courses. The Student Success Center located in the Hardman-Jacobs Undergraduate center is open Monday-Friday 8-5pm (weekends are closed), walk-ins are always open and students can make appointments.
Jon Granados, a third year student majoring in Industrial Engineering and believes there are a lot of factors that contribute to being a successful college student.
Granados goes into detail on his experiences attending New Mexico State University, “I think you have to manage your time wisely and stay organized. I put notes on my IPhone for each class so I can have something to check on and erase as I complete tasks each week. For students and incoming freshman, try to get ahead of assignments and don’t procrastinate, the syllabus is key.”
Granados says that if you start bad in the beginning of the semester you have to use that as motivation to progress throughout the rest of the semester.
“You have to listen carefully to the professor and actually read the material and be discipline in order to pass the class. Also if you are doing good in a class don’t forget to reward yourself.”
Entering adulthood means more responsibilities. Some students are taking high credit hours, have a full time job, or have their own family to worry about all while attending school.
Students are encourage to stay focused and seek tutoring when needs. Don’t be afraid to step out of that comfort zone or bring down those walls that were personally built so high.