Espina Street construction looks to be on-going project for summers ahead
Construction along Espina Street will continue in the summertime.
The construction on Espina Street near the New Mexico State University campus may seem completed as there are no current road closures, however road work will continue in the near future.
Dale Harrell, a university engineer at NMSU Facilities and Services who spearheaded the Espina project, explained that the road work on Espina street is not yet finished.
“There will be two more phases of the project. Phase II will take place summer of 2020 after students leave in May,” Harrell said.
The first phase of construction started in March and ended in May, taking two weeks overschedule. This phase hindered students as it eliminated cross walks and closed off the North and South Horseshoe.
Sydney Hollingsworth, a senior at NMSU, said that the road closures last semester were very inconvenient to her schedule.
“As an Agriculture Extension and Education major, most of my classes were on that end of campus near Gerald Thomas. It was really frustrating having to walk all the way around the construction due to the elimination of cross walks,” Hollingsworth said.
Harrell explained that the first phase of the road work gave “better bike lanes and smoother road surface” and now having “code compliant ADA (American Disabilities Act) at all new construction intersections.”
Phase one of the construction work cost nearly $400,000.00, funded from NMSU renewal and renovation funds as well as the New Mexico Department of Transportation.
“Total construction contract price was $313,173.54. Engineering was another $64,000,” Harrell said.
The next two phases of construction on Espina street will help with road deterioration. The two phases are scheduled in the summers of 2020 and 2021 to not inconvenience students.
Phase two of the construction will start after the 2019-2020 school year ends and should be finalized before the start of the 2020 fall semester.
“The construction will be from where the new pavement ends between Jett Hall and Knox Hall and go south approximately 100 feet. Construction is scheduled to be complete before the start of fall semester,” Harrell said. “Phase III will be summer of 2021 and complete the new pavement to the intersection of Wells Street.”
Along with the road repair, a chip seal will also be done on Knox Street during either the second or third phase.
Although Hollingsworth is graduating soon, she said she is glad that students won’t have to go ‘the extra mile’ to class in Gerald Thomas.
“I’m thankful that the construction is over with as of now and that they are scheduling the next project during the summers to come,” Hollingsworth said.

Ariana Parra is a sophomore at NMSU and is returning to The Round Up for a second year. She is currently pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice...