Brief: President Floros to step down from position as New Mexico State University President

Raul Flores

More stories from Raul Flores


President Floros speaking at Juneteenth event June 19, 2020.

On Oct. 2021, New Mexico State University faculty senate introduced a resolution of no confidence on President John Floros and Provost Carol Parker. The resolution was supported by the ASNMSU Senate and students alike.

Both Floros and Chancellor Dan Arvizu sent out announcement emails on Friday, Jan. 7 regarding Floros stepping down from his current position, leaving Arvizu as the sole leader for the NMSU system.

“Chancellor Arvizu has decided to transition his administration to a new structure having one leader for both the university and the NMSU system.” Floros’ email read.

According to the email, Floros will remain in NMSU to help Arvizu with this transition “during the next few weeks,” After that period, Floros wrote that he will be taking a sabbatical year.

Floros’ email was also used to address what he considers to be his biggest accomplishments during his time as NMSU president. For example, he mentioned starting the LEADS 2025 strategic plan, stabilizing enrollment and enhancing research operations.

New NMSU organizational chart introduced by Dan Arvizu

Arvizu’s email served to support Floros’ decision to step down and to officially announce his new status.

“I will assume both roles of Chancellor for the NMSU System as well as President of the Las Cruces Campus.” Arvizu’s email stated.

Arvizu conducted a Zoom address today at 10:00 a.m. in which he further explained the transition and provided a look at a new organizational chart. He emphasized that Floros will indeed be back after his sabbatical but with a different position.

Former Provost Carol Parker is nowhere to be mentioned in the emails. She is also absent from the new organizational chart introduced by Arvizu during his Zoom address. Parker has been on administrative leave since Nov. 11.

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