ASNMSU Senate welcomes new senators and hears a student’s plea for more inclusion of Asian American and Pacific Islander students
ASNMSU Senate convenes on March 3 in the Senate Chambers to approve student appropriations and welcome newly appointed senators.
The 65th Senate of the Associated Students of New Mexico State University gathered on March 3 just right before spring break to welcome newly appointed senators, approve a handful of appropriations and hear a student’s concerns about the ‘lack of recognition’ of Asian American/Pacific Islander students throughout the NMSU system.
‘Lack of recognition’
Sarbajit Basu, an NMSU student, raised concern over the university’s alleged ‘lack of recognition’ and appreciation of Asian American/Pacific Islander students. Basu shared his personal experience of discrimination during Senate’s open forum describing what appeared to be a verbal confrontation in the Corbett parking lot where he was told his presence and culture didn’t belong in the United States.
“I know it is a major problem and it’s not the capability of ASNMSU or NMSU, for that matter, or perhaps even the Chancellor, to solve racism in one day but at least if ASNMSU can acknowledge that yes there is very little to no representation of Asian/Asian American students and Pacific Islander students in the whole NMSU system and probably contribute to some extent … to celebrate their cultures, [that would be appreciated],” Basu said.
Basu asked Senate for their efforts to help acknowledge and “preserve” the demographic of Asian American/Pacific Islander students that attend NMSU. They applauded him for his concerns but no word of any future legislation regarding the matter was discussed or is available upon press time. The Round Up will follow up on this issue if Senate chooses to put forth legislation.
New Senators

Three newly appointed senators from the College of Arts & Sciences and the College of Business were sworn in. Eddie Gallegos (A&S), Molly Steagall (A&S) and Alex Duran (Business) were present as Associate Justice Irelynd Kiely administered their oaths. According to the ASNMSU website, Andrea Santana and Brett Fullerton are no longer listed as senators for their respective colleges.
Bills 102 and 107 are passed
Students from the Alpha Phi Sigma Criminal Justice Honor Society and the National Association for Music Educators will have conference travel expenses covered.
Bill 102, sponsored by Senators Adan Armijo and Garret Moseley, will provide about $5,200 for nine students to compete in the Alpha Phi Sigma Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada where they will be tasked with setting up and solving a crime scene. Senator Moseley said this bill is “a great bill” for many reasons.
“They’re the only chapter in New Mexico so I think that’s also good, they’re representing not only New Mexico State but also New Mexico and they seem to do a pretty good job when they go out there,” Moseley said.
The conference will take place March 16 –18, 2022.
Bill 107 will reimburse about $4,800 to the National Association for Music Educators for past conference travel that took place back in February. Senator Sheldon De Lara said this bill was important for him to sponsor not only because it was his first bill approved in Senate but because of his personal support for music education.
“I just thought it was really important to me because in high school, I was really passionate about music education,” De Lara said. “I just like to see the arts developing, especially in a higher education level.”

Ernesto Cisneros is a senior here at NMSU studying Journalism & Media Studies along with Government (Political Science). He also has two minors in...

Christopher Renteria is a transfer student from El Paso, a sophomore majoring in Journalism & Media Studies. He will be starting his first year at...