Senate Appoints New Chief Justice
More stories from Tylan Tapley
ASNMSU’s New Chief Justice, Shayna Gallacher
The ASMSU Senate appointed a new Chief Justice to the Supreme Court during Thursday’s scheduled Senate meeting.
The meeting, which took place on Thursday night in the Senate Chambers, saw the appointment of Shayna Gallacher to the position.
Gallacher, who previously served as a Senator two years ago for the College of Aces, said she learned the system in which ASNMSU works during that year, “Over that year, I learned a lot about the benefit that ASNMSU can give to students who are on campus” she said.
The senior agricultural economics major took a year off from ASNMSU due to having a national position with the Future Farmers of America organization.
The Chief Justice is the administrator of the judicial branch of ASNMSU. They are responsible for presiding over court hearings and meetings. The Chief Justice is also responsible for being knowledgeable, and possessing the skill to interpret the laws as set down by ASNMSU.
Furthermore, the Chief Justice is responsible for overseeing all of the programs that are sponsored by the judicial branch. Finally, the Chief Justice is responsible for administering the oath of office for any new member of ASNMSU.
Gallcher said she ran for Chief Justice due to some issues she has seen in the past, “I mainly wanted to run for the position of Chief Justice because I saw how it hadn’t been managed properly in the past; such as resources not being managed properly.”
“I thought with my background, my character, and my experiences, that I could benefit this role, and it can benefit me for my long term goals”, Gallacher said.
One point Gallacher brought up that suggested could possibly need to be reviewed is improper resource management done the past, saying she was mainly concerned with making sure programs put on by the judicial branch get more notice.
“I applied so that I can help bring that branch up to an equal role aspect within ASNMSU” she said.
Some of these programs include the renter’s handbook, student legal aid by a professional attorney, the student legal speaker series, and the appeal process for ASNMSU.
Gallacher acknowledges that these services may be difficult for students to understand, especially if they have no experience, “The resources available are very complex and hard for students to understand, especially if they haven’t had a law class or a legal class before.”
Her goal is to make these programs more easily available and understandable for students as a whole, “Hopefully, I can relay this information at a level that students would want to get involved in.”

Christian is a first year at New Mexico State from El Paso, Texas. His passion for photo journalism began when he took up the mantle of head photographer...