These Hands Don’t Haze
Greek life on campus are keeping a watchful eye on hazing this season in light of recent national issues.
Many have all seen it in the media; Greek Life depicted as a one-way ticket to parties, drugs, alcohol and in some cases the act of hazing new members. New Mexico State’s fraternities and sororities are taking steps to prevent this.
Hazing can be defined by the imposition of strenuous, often humiliating, tasks as part of a program of rigorous physical training and initiation.
One of the most recent acts of possible hazing happened last week on Sept. 15, an LSU student who pledged the Phi Delta Theta Fraternity. According to U.S News & World Report, the student did not survive and was found to have a “highly elevated” blood alcohol level and marijuana in his body.
“New members are not allowed to drive active members whatsoever,” said Allison Plummer from the Delta Gamma Sorority at NMSU.
Plummer, an active member of her sorority, participated as a Sorority Recruitment Counselor this past recruitment season. She had to disaffiliate from her chapter and guide potential new members through the process of sorority recruitment.
“I kept telling girls that it isn’t like the movies,” said Plummer.
The stigma is felt throughout campus and that may be the reason why many students are turned off by the idea of possibly going Greek. So how does one adequately inform potential new members about the act of hazing prevention?
Donovan Olvera the President of the Interfraternity Council (IFC) sat down with The Round Up to discuss what percussions the council takes to prevent acts of hazing.
“All of our chapters at NMSU are anti-hazing chapters,” he said.
Olvera said IFC presents a risk management presentation by the university to all of their new members. The presentation covers the basics of alcohol, drugs, and hazing as well as other topics that may affect a new member.
“In my two years with IFC, I have yet to see any chapter be shut down because of the act of hazing. If you see something, say something,” said Olvera.
IFC does not handle accusations of possible hazing, but more logistical issues for every fraternity chapter at NMSU. Hazing accusations and protocols are done by the Dean of Students office located in Corbett Center.
“Hazing can happen in any closed community, from athletics, military to band and yes even Greek,” said Michael Jasek the Dean of Students at NMSU.
Hazing is against the student social code of conduct, a policy that has been implemented the university that can be found here. According to the policy, hazing is an act that endangers a student’s mental and physical health.
There are 44 states in the country that have laws against hazing and the state of New Mexico is not one of them.
“When the accusation of hazing is brought to us, we take it seriously by the university,” said Jasek.
He went on to explain that being charged with hazing by the university is not just the act of participating. It is also the fact that you knew that it was going on and did not say anything about the manner. You can not give consent to being hazed as well.
“You really think that a student would be okay leaving a situation in front of all of his peers,” questioned Jasek.
Jasek feels like the Greek Community is doing an amazing job educating their new members about the effects of hazing well, but thinks that Greek Life as a whole can do more.
“There hasn’t been a Greek Advisor for the past two years who can really help every chapter on these issues,” said Jasek.
Bruce Vandevender the Director of Campus Activities has served as the interim Greek Life Advisor for the time being. According to Dean Jasek, the Provost and the President of the university have recently approved the creation of a full-time position for a Greek Life Advisor.
Mikayla Fuller from the Zeta Tau Alpha sorority expressed her concerns about when she first went through recruitment.
“I kind of expected to be hazed and was surprised that it never once happened,” said Fuller.
The amount of education that was implemented during her time as a new member to an active seemed almost excessive. The chapter advises them to not drink alcohol with their new members and encourage them not to participate in activities they do not feel comfortable to be a part of.
“We aren’t allowed to call them ‘baby zetas’ or even make them sit in the front for a meeting,” said Fuller.
Their chapter constantly educates them on the multiple platforms that range from online coursework to in-person training.
“Greek Life at NMSU is about supporting one another and not bringing each other down. So when you do haze you defeat the purpose on why we all decided to go Greek,” said Fuller.
Hazing can happen in any group and if suspected of the act report it. You can report any act of possible hazing to the Dean of Students office anonymously. Sept. 18 – 22 marks National Hazing Prevention Week.

Andres is a junior studying journalism and mass communication with an emphasis in broadcast. Yet that doesn't stop him from learning all sides of...