Multiple NMSU campus burglaries reported over winter break
Several burglaries were reported to the NMSU Police over Winter Break.
Several burglaries were reported in certain New Mexico State University residential areas during winter break.
“We have had sporadic break-ins over the Christmas break,” NMSU Police Department Sergeant Justin Dunivan said.
A Timely Warning was sent out Jan. 8 to all of NMSU in accordance with the requirements of the federal Clery Act by Chief of Police Stephen Lopez. The email reported multiple burglaries in the Asombro Institute and areas in the Cervantes Village apartments and offices on Jan. 5 and 7. During these nighttime burglaries, multiple electronics were stolen including a computer, camera, two large screen televisions and a vehicle parked in the Asombro Institute.
Sergeant Dunivan said the investigation of the burglaries are ongoing and for students and staff to keep their belongings, electronics especially, secure.
“Make sure to secure your vehicles and their residence to assist us in preventing these types of crimes. If they can make sure that they always write down the serial number, the model of the electronic equipment. Along with taking a photograph of it because if it is stolen, having that information readily available significantly helps our investigation,” Dunivan said.
The email sent by Lopez stated, “Officers continue to investigate these crimes, and ask that anyone who might have information on them to please call the NMSU Police Department at (575) 646-3311.”

Luis Rios is a senior entering his fourth year at The Round Up and his second year as Political Writer. As he works towards completing his major in Journalism...

Stefanie Gutierrez is in her first year of studying at New Mexico State University and working with The Round Up. As a Las Cruces High School student,...