BRIEF: NMSU parking to review, update regulations

Mitchell Allred

NMSUPD took over parking enforcement from NMSU Parking Auxiliary Services.

The New Mexico State University Parking Enforcement is planning to set up a new task force to review, update and fix rules in the NMSU Parking and Traffic Regulations 

 “We’re in the process of trying to set up a task force to look over the regulations to see what updates need to be added or be corrected in the current regulation,” NMSU Police Sergeant and Supervisor for NMSU Parking Enforcement Stephen Cary said.  

 Cary stated the reason for having to make changes to the current parking regulations is because there are rules that contradict each other.  

“A good example is with the government vehicles, there’s one section that says that they don’t have to pay the meter and one part where it says they have to pay,” Cary said.  

 On the official NMSU Parking Regulations page, under Part 8Section B and Subsection 1, it does state official governmental vehicles are “allowed to park in any legal parking space in any campus parking lot. Vehicles displaying Official Government License Plate may park at a parking meter at no charge.”  

 Contrarily, under Part 8, Section D, it states “any person who parks in a metered parking space shall deposit the required amount in the meter to for the right to park there, regardless of the display of valid NMSU Parking Permit or placard, government license plate or other visitor status, or other circumstance.”  

 According to Cary, plans are still recent in regards of recruiting members for the task force.  

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