Cases near 12,000, NMSU reports majority of students want to return to campus

Stefanie Gutierrez

Coronavirus 19 (COVID-19) image.

Here are the most important things to know today about COVID-19 according to the New Mexico Department of Health, the office of Michelle Lujan Grisham and Las Cruces officials.

Around the State
Positive cases around the state have risen to 11,809. Total tests administered in New Mexico have reached 331,048 according to the NMDOH. As of Monday’s report, the death toll has reached 492, and 5,264 cases have been designated as recovered.

Currently, the state reports 114 hospitalizations.

Around Las Cruces
In Dona Ana County total cases have risen to 896, with a total of nine county deaths caused by the virus.

Young adults, aged 20-29 account for the majority of current total cases. 28,927 residents in Dona Ana County have been tested for the virus.

Around NMSU
On June 17, New Mexico State University unveiled details for reopening in the fall semester.

At a virtual town hall meeting June 18, President John Floros said the institution will be opening primarily because of student requests. 

“92% of our students, when we went out and asked the question, if they want to come back, if they’re ready to come back, they said yes,” Floros said. “Six percent said maybe, and only two percent said no. This is a very telling survey that informs our decisions.”

President Floros will be hosting another virtual town hall meeting July 9 to discuss plan specifics.

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