ASNMSU Senate holds second meeting of semester
ASNMSU Senate’s second meeting of the semester included discussions on the association’s upcoming election season as well as updates from various departments regarding the new year.
The meeting, which occurred on Thursday, Feb. 8, in the Senate Chambers inside Corbett Center Student Union, also saw the swearing in of two new senators.
Robert Escojeda, an accounting major, was sworn in as a business senator while Michael Coghner was also sworn in by Chief Justice Shayna Gallacher.
Fallon Murphy, Assistant Directors of Public Relations, and Luis Terrazas, Director of Public Relations, gave an Executive department report on social media insights, discount video promotions, keychain and tailgate promotions. This Saturday, ASNMSU plans to hand out 200 shirts to tailgaters on a first-come, first-serve basis.
In addition, Murphy and Terrazas discussed their development on making the ASNMSU website more accessible to students with disabilities.
The Public Relations Department is currently designing shirts for upcoming events and is partnering with Organ Mountain Outfitters. The department has 40 percent of their budget remaining.
Uriel Munoz, the Director of Governmental Affairs, gave an update on Legislation regarding the Lottery Scholarship meeting with Senators in Santa Fe last week. Currently, a bill is being debated which would guarantee the Lottery Scholarship does not fall below $38 million, according to Munoz.
Discussing upcoming elections was Nancy Mestre, Chief Elections Officer. Mestre noted upcoming dates such as Election Packet due dates, Campaign week, and the mandatory Candidate meeting. Mestre also mentioned she hopes to provide Pizza for an upwards of 200 people at this year’s Presidential Debate.
Afterwards, Standing and Special Committees presented their previous and upcoming meeting times, meeting minutes and gave brief budget overviews.
Regarding the President of Senate, ASNMSU Vice President Emerson Morrow presented business on his desk such as letters on his desk and budget numbers. Many letters referred to this year’s ASNMSU Senate retreat, which seemed to conflict with many Senators schedules. The Senate moved to vote on the excusal of several senators from the retreat.
During Bill readings, ASNMSU President, Kevin Prieto presented an amended bill that would limit candidates to spend no more than $300 on campaign materials. This bill was debated and is still up for further amendments.
In other business, Evan Connor got confirmed as ASNMSU Comptroller after his budget presentation. Connor stated that around $107,000 remains in this semester’s budget to be allocated towards passed bills and student organizations.
The meeting was adjourned after bill and resolution readings and the discussion of unfinished business and announcements.
The next Senate meeting will occur on Thursday, February 22 at 6 P.M. Be sure to follow The Round Up for updates and reporting of ASNMSU.

Alanna Herrera is entering her fourth year at The Round Up, taking on her second year as Editor-in-Chief. She is a senior with a passion for storytelling...