Treat yourself: Students use Valentine’s Day to shower themselves with gifts

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Valentine’s Day is known as the day where couples can splurge in gifts and treats on each other without it being over the top.  Yet many individuals who are single on the infamous day are excited to treat themselves with gifts on what they may call, You Don’t Need a Partner to be Happy Day.

These days, both women and men don’t feel the need to rely on a significant other to make themselves feel special on Valentine’s Day.  These single folks take advantage of the fact that there is chocolate and heart-shaped pizzas galore, and turn Cupid’s Day into a do-it-yourself celebration of self-love.

“In my opinion I think that Valentine’s Day should be all about yourself, meaning that people should get to know about themselves,” said freshman Kiara Diaz.

Valentine’s Day for single people can also be thought of as a single people awareness day.  Those who are single are generally considered to be lonely and unsociable in the sense that they are assumed to have chosen the single life.  But Valentine’s Day can prove to be an opportunity for single people to show the world they are thriving in the single life, with no need for support from another individual.

“Valentine’s Day is a social construct.  People are expected to act overly romantic with their partners, and in consequence, people who are single may feel bad about themselves,” said sophomore Patrick Lim.  Lim believes that those are single shouldn’t worry about not having a partner, but should focus on themselves.

Another enticing reason as to why it’s not so bad being single when February 14 comes along, is that the day will be completely stress free.  No feverish planning of a romantic dinner, no stress on your wallet, and no worries about whether your S.O. will like what you planned for them.  For Lim, the best part about being single is being able to do whatever you want without having to worry about pleasing another person.

“[For single people], it is time to reflect on the things that make you happy right now, rather than putting focus on being in a relationship,” said senior Madeleine Stefhon.

Although you may not be currently seeing anyone on Valentine’s Day, that doesn’t mean you can’t meet someone new.  There are a lot of single people in the world ready to meet a new friend, or even their next S.O.

Being single is more than just taking advantage of the discounted chocolate the day after Valentine’s Day, but it is about doing what is best for you.  Having a significant other is always in the back of one’s head, but while being single, you can plan your life according to your aspirations and hopes for the future, not anyone else’s.  There’s no better time than the future, so make the most out of being single.

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