W.A.V.E. hosts ‘healthy relationship’ event on campus

Zack Jimenez

W.A.V.E booth set up outside the Corbett center.

The Wellness, Alcohol, and Violence Education program (W.A.V.E.) hosted a ‘healthy relationship’ fair on Tuesday, February 13, as a way to promote what a healthy relationship should be. 

The event included different actives for students to participate in. They had a table with information about safe sex, and why it is crucial. They also included different quizzes that students could take, to determine how well they communicate their love. 

Not only did W.A.V.E. want inform students about healthy relationships, but they also had a craft table where students could make Valentine’s Day cards. 

This event was not just centered around romantic relationships, it focused on all kinds of relationships, from family relationships to friendships, and even spiritual relationships. It was open to everyone on campus, because W.A.V.E. wanted to ensure that anyone could get information on healthy relationships. 

Kirsta Bezenek, an event coordinator for W.A.V.E said, “One of the main goals for this event is to not single anyone out, but to include everyone. We really want to emphasize that all relationships are valuable.” 

This is the first year that W.A.V.E has put on a ‘healthy relationship’ fair, but they have hosted different events in the past to educate people on healthy relationships. 

Tiffany Tyson, another event coordinator for W.A.V.E said, “Our goal with this program is to reach everyone, promoting healthy relationships in general. We really want Aggies to have a healthier and happier life and we believe the first step to that is creating healthier relationships.” 

“Taking the Love Language quiz is probably my favorite part of this event because you learn so much about yourself and the people around you as well, but I also really love the idea of making Valentines cards, because it’s a fun and heartfelt thing to do for the people you care about.” Bezenek said. 

Xodia Choate is a Sophomore here at NMSU has been a part of the W.A.V.E program since her first semester of Freshman year. Choate said that her goal for this program is for students on campus to see good behavior modeled by their peers. 

Choate said, “I think it’s great to have people like Tiffany, Kirsta, teachers, and counselors modeling good behavior and talking to students about what is important when it comes to their health and wellness, but I think it’s even more impactful when you see people your age, people you know or have seen in classes who are able to be models for healthy relationships.” 

For most of us, college may come with experiencing a lot of firsts; whether it’s a relationship, living away from home, or experiencing the stress of juggling classes and a job. W.A.V.E. believes it is important for students to have the knowledge to make healthy choices. 

For more information, the W.A.V.E office is in the Activity Center room 103, or they can be reached at 575-646-2813. 

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