Is the Activity Center for everyone?
The Weight Room located in the Activity Center is a great place to start working on New Year’s resolutions.
The City of Las Cruces is home to many public and personal gyms, along with dance classes and other cardio workouts. For the students of New Mexico State University, they have access to the Activity Center, also known as the “AC”.
The Activity Center has a weight room, cardio room, wall climbing, AggieFit classes (yoga/mixxedfit/cycling), an indoor track, intramurals for all sports and much more to offer to all full time students.
Although there are opportunities for students of NMSU to get some exercise, women on campus may feel a bit out of place when it comes to the weight room.
Ariana Bautista is a senior and is majoring in Hotel Restaurant and Tourism Management and is one of the students that doesn’t like working out at the Activity Center.
Bautista had an open mind her freshman year about working out and taking advantage of the free resources for gym recreation, but she soon began to dislike what was offered to her.
Bautista said, “Throughout my entire college career, I have probably gone to the AC 6 times. I stopped going because there was just too many people. I hated the fact that people were waiting for you to finish your set.”
Bautista explained that she would go workout during random hours of the day, not during rush hour. Bautista continued, “I feel rushed when I would work out. I like going to a gym were there isn’t so many people. With everyone going to the AC, of course it is going to be packed so I rather not go and just go somewhere else.”
Bautista says she feels uncomfortable by the amount of people, but never felt uncomfortable about guys staring. She knows there are probably a few “creepers” but knows many other people would notice if things went too far.
Gabby Topete is also a senior and is majoring in Social Work and has been working out at the AC since her sophomore year.
Topete said, “I go to the AC because I don’t have to pay to go to a gym. I go about 3-4 times a week when I have the time. They have a lot of equipment there that I like to use. The indoor track is pretty awesome and it makes it easier for me to finish my workouts.”
Topete said that she is pretty comfortable with working out at the AC, and just puts on her earphones so no one can bother her while she is working out.
Topete continued, “I luckily haven’t had any uncomfortable experiences there yet, more so intimidating moments. It is usually packed and you just don’t know where to start. I just wait or walk around until the next machine is open.”
Topete gave advice for girls that feel weird about going to the gym and said, “Just zone everyone out, focus on you and the purpose for you being there. Take your phone to play some music because it really does help.”
Morgan Ware is a junior and is majoring in Special Education and Secondary English Education. Ware is an employee at the AC and has worked there for three years.
The one thing that stands out to Ware when she works is the male to female ratio that works out at the AC. Ware said, “We have a few groups of women who work out but not compared to the number of men that work out there. Majority of the people that work out at the AC are obviously male.”
Ware explained that there haven’t been any complaints from women about being uncomfortable, it’s more that they are overwhelmed by all the testosterone in the room and that is the leading cause to why they decide to not work out there. Ware also gave advice to women who may be nervous about working out in the AC.
“The AC is the female building as much as it is the males building. Don’t be afraid to ask for help, people at the front desk are happy to help. It is ok to be overwhelmed but you should go during the times that aren’t so busy. It is just better for you that way you can get a good workout in.”

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