What to do over Winter Break
More stories from MIa Drake
Campus will have very few people as students and faculty let out for Winter Break.
Most college students eagerly await for Winter Break, as a welcome back from the college life. Whether students are adjusting the the college scene, or falling behind – the break from school is much needed.
“I’m looking forward to this break,” freshman Caleb Davis said. “Finals week has been stressful, and I’m ready for the holly jolly spirit to kick in.
Finals week will soon come to an end and break will be in full session. While there is some value in getting sleep and resting up after exams over the holidays, it’s really easy to get lazy mode – sitting around doing nothing for days, there are other important things you can do to cancel out the laziness.
“The only thing I really like hate about break is not being able to do things,” freshman, Vanessa Perez said. “I feel like everything is on a time crunch, and then I get super lazy.”
From going back home to road trips out of state – the opportunities for a stress free break are endless. Students are packing up and heading out as finals wind down.
“I’m staying in Las Cruces for a couple weeks, before heading up to Albuquerque to visit family,” freshman Samantha Moreno said. “Deming will be my next stop before heading home – this break is full of traveling.”
On the NMSU campus, students come from all over parts of the world to study. But, sometimes going home is a lot harder than coming back.
“I can’t leave anywhere yet,” freshman, Ashley Clark said. “Living in Texas isn’t very far, but flights fill up quickly and I am usually left scrambling to find seats.”
For students that aren’t leaving for break or plan to leave but don’t have plans once they leave – some activities you can do are to apply for scholarships and financial aid, save up money for Christmas/holiday gifts, get in touch with old friends and family and let them know how you’re doing, or even start a new series on Netflix.
“I’m planning on going home, and trying to teach myself how to bake,” freshman, Jessica Azcarate said. “It’s not really fun, but I’m trying to get away from Easy Bake ovens and turn to real ovens.”
No matter what students plan on doing this holiday season, they should make it memorable – finals are over and so is the semester, so they get a month of vacation before coming back and starting the Spring semester up.
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